We are excited to worship with your family this Sunday!
The check-in computers are available in the parlor, near the coffee and restrooms, where you will print out nametags and the security ticket for your family. The security ticket is for you to show to the classroom teachers at pick-up which matches the code on your child’s nametag.
Nursery, Toddler, and PreK can be dropped off in their classrooms upstairs starting at 8:55, while elementary students are invited into the Sanctuary for the beginning of the service. After the first songs and a brief welcome, children who have been checked-in and have their nametags are dismissed to meet their teachers at the front of the sanctuary to head upstairs.
We offer the following classrooms:
- Nursery / Toddlers
- PreK (3-5 year olds)
- Elementary (K – 5th grade)
After communion, we are excited to bring the children back into the sanctuary for the remainder of the service. Nursery/Toddler can be picked up from their classroom upstairs, while PreK and Elementary are in the parlor, near the check-in computers, for pick-up. After service we have coffee and donuts (always popular with the children) in the Sanctuary. Please join us and meet someone new!
Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to support you.