The Profound Meaning Behind Baptism and Communion

In the early days of the Christian church, believers devoted themselves to several key practices that formed the foundation of their faith and community. Among these were the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. Today, we’ll explore two vital ordinances that Jesus commanded his followers to observe: baptism and communion.
Baptism: A Public Declaration of Faith
Baptism is more than just a religious ritual – it’s a powerful symbol and a significant act of obedience for every Christian. In the book of Acts, we see a consistent pattern: people heard the gospel, believed in Jesus, and were immediately baptized. This wasn’t an optional add-on to their faith journey, but a normal, logical first step of obedience.
The word “baptizo” in Greek means to fully immerse or submerge. This imagery is rich with meaning, symbolizing our identification with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. As we go under the water, we are symbolically buried with Christ. As we emerge, we are raised to new life, just as Jesus was raised from the dead.
But why is baptism so important? First and foremost, Jesus himself modeled it for us. Despite being sinless, he insisted on being baptized to “fulfill all righteousness.” Furthermore, Jesus commanded his followers to baptize new believers as part of the Great Commission. It’s a public declaration of our loyalty and allegiance to King Jesus.
However, it’s crucial to understand that baptism itself does not save us. Salvation comes through faith alone, as evidenced by numerous scriptures like Romans 3:28, Ephesians 2:8-10, and John 3:16. The thief on the cross, who believed in Jesus in his final moments, was promised paradise without being baptized. Baptism is an outward expression of an inward reality – our faith in Christ.
For those who have believed but haven’t been baptized, the call is clear: take this step of obedience. It’s never too late to publicly declare your faith and identify with Christ through baptism.
Communion: Remembering Christ’s Sacrifice
While baptism is a one-time event, communion is a recurring practice that Jesus instituted during his last supper with his disciples. Also known as the Lord’s Supper or Eucharist, communion involves partaking of bread and wine (or juice) to remember Christ’s body broken and blood shed for us.
Jesus commanded his followers to observe this practice in remembrance of him. It’s not just a symbol, but a profound spiritual moment between us and our Savior. When we participate in communion, we’re doing several important things:
- Remembering Christ’s sacrifice: We reflect on the immense price Jesus paid for our salvation.
- Declaring his death: We proclaim the power of Christ’s death until he returns.
- Celebrating our salvation: We rejoice that Christ’s work has been applied to us personally.
- Examining ourselves: We take time for self-reflection, confessing our sins and recommitting ourselves to Christ.
- Experiencing spiritual nourishment: Jesus said his body is true food and his blood true drink, nourishing us spiritually.
- Expressing unity: We join with believers across the world and throughout history in this shared practice.
- Anticipating Christ’s return: Jesus said he would not drink the fruit of the vine again until he drinks it anew in his Father’s kingdom.
Communion is a tangible reminder of God’s love for us. It’s a moment where we see that all of Christ’s blessings and promises are for us personally. However, we’re warned not to participate in an unworthy manner. This doesn’t mean we must be perfect to take communion. On the contrary, communion is for sinners who recognize their need for grace. But we should approach it with reverence, self-reflection, and a willingness to confess our sins.
The invitation to the communion table is twofold. For believers, it’s an invitation to come, take, eat, and drink – to remember Christ’s sacrifice and receive spiritual nourishment. For those who don’t yet know Jesus, it’s an invitation to believe in him, receive forgiveness, and join the family of God.
As we consider these two ordinances, we’re reminded of the depth and richness of our faith. Baptism and communion are not empty rituals, but profound expressions of our relationship with Christ and our place in his body, the church.
If you’ve never been baptized as a believer, perhaps it’s time to take that step. It’s a beautiful way to publicly declare your faith and identify with Christ’s death and resurrection. And as you participate in communion, whether it’s your first time or your thousandth, approach it with reverence and gratitude. Let it be a moment of intimate connection with your Savior, remembering his sacrifice, celebrating your salvation, and looking forward to his return.
These practices remind us that our faith is not just about intellectual assent to certain truths. It’s about a living, active relationship with Jesus Christ. It’s about being part of a community of believers who encourage and support one another. And it’s about regularly remembering and celebrating the incredible gift of salvation we’ve received.
May we never lose sight of the profound meaning behind these ordinances. May they continually draw us closer to Christ and to each other, strengthening our faith and deepening our love for the One who gave everything for us.
Interested in being baptized? Complete our Baptism Application!